FREE Videos To Help

You Sell More Wedding
Cakes At Higher
Prices... Immediately

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In the second video you’ll peek at my most effective psychological sales secret called “The Insecurity Gap.”

Get Brides To Choose You And Command Higher Prices

The #1 Reason You’re Not Selling More Wedding Cakes…is due to “The Insecurity Gap” a bride feels…a reluctance to choose you or any other cake artist. 

I think you’d agree, a component of most women’s complex nature is to feel insecure in many areas of their lives. In our case, if you conquer a bride’s insecurities when buying a wedding cake, she’ll adore you. And, as a direct result, you’ll dramatically increase sales.

“…this was eye-opening. Thanks for sharing your psychological sales tactics with me. They will give me the edge I’ve been looking for.”

“I’ve never heard of using scarcity, contrast or the liking principle before. I don’t know much about psychology, but Ed tells you exactly why they work and how to use them. Now I understand how he sells so many wedding cakes. The best part is, now I can too.”

Simply fill-in your name and email address to immediately access all 3 videos to increase your sales, charge higher prices, and to convince brides you’re the obvious choice.

Ed Otto as seen: